Brilliant- loads of ideas and inspiration.
Starting of at agencies such as point blanc and zip producing cd covers for example one for nebula with exploding headphones with the help of a french illustrator. Later moving to logos for example, logos for milkshake he had really done a variety of stuff. Yet I particularly liked the adverts he had produced for five, the grey's anatomy advert, ashes adverts ( six in the city!) they were all just clever, original and communicated quickly and this is something I feel I need to bring into my work more.
Richard Branson, 'Screw it, lets just do it', this was given with a brief for Harrison to produce a 3 minute film, showing 160 virgin companies, with the aim of trying to turn around the way people percieved virgin, to create a more humourous, sexy, edgy image. This film was the best of his work, compilling loads and loads of research, film and stills of all aspects of virgin, it was quick, slick, fun and sexy, it gave virgin a much more youthful appeal. Yet too it had such a large audience using lots of people of all ages, nationalities and backgrounds, this made the advert more interesting, yet also global.
Another thing I found interesting about the lecture was his work on project magazine, a new app magazine just launched, getting people involved, for example by having usb hot spots around cities throughout the world. This aspect of social interaction and reaching out to the global audience is something I found fascinating and this is where the genius' of graphic design work.
He was trying to 'break ground' with his work and involvement with companies and this passion to make yourself look different was for me really inspiring, the lecture was fantastic!!
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